
The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body.

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  • LEVITATING MONKEY: Can you please share a bit about your personal journey and how you came to be interested in the spiritual path? Kambiz Naficy: I was born into an aristocratic family in Iran, and everyone was groomed to become a high- dignitary like an......

  • The sacral chakra, known as “Svadhistana” in sanskrit refers to the area located at the sacrum, hips, and sexual organs. This chakra is connected to your creativity, your emotions, your senses. This chakra is also related to your one-on-one relationships and your connection to intimacy.......

  • A good friend of mine recently had an annual physical and was told that he needed to lower his cholesterol. Upon getting his test results, he asked me if I could offer him any Ayurvedic and Yogic tips to help him reduce cholesterol, while not having......

  • In this third post in the series on the right asanas for the various doshic types, we will be discussing Asanas for Kapha doshic types. As mentioned in our last post, it is important to remember the particularities of an individual’s unique body and customize the practice accordingly. The......

  • In this second post in the series on the right asanas for the various doshic types, we will be discussing asanas for Pitta doshic types. As mentioned in our last post, it is important to remember the particularities of an individual’s unique body and customize the practice accordingly. The themes......

  • In the next few posts, we will be reviewing several asanas that are good for the different doshic types, but it is important to remember the particularities of an individual’s unique body and customize the practice accordingly. In this first post in the series, we......

  • As part of the Meditation According to Your Dosha series, we’re going to talk about Pitta types today. Pitta people need to meditate in order to release anger and aggression and to release their desire to control life. Pittas usually have good concentration and can meditate......

  • As you deepen your meditation practice, it’s important to meditate according to your dosha type. In this first post on meditating according to your dosha, we will talk specifically about meditation for Vata types. The major motivating factor for Vata types to meditate is centered around......

  • Today feels like the first true crisp NYC fall day! The leaves are changing color, the air feels a little less heavy, the scent of hot apple cider is in the air at the local farmers market. As the weather cools down during Vata season,......